A Message from Heaven

By Dave Breese

The greatest of all messages from heaven—the coming of Christ to be born in Bethlehem’s manger—is now being celebrated once again by the world.

He was born in Bethlehem’s manger, He lived a perfect life, and then He died for our sins on the cross. Then He arose again to demonstrate that it was all true. Christ the Son of the living God and what He did for us on the cross—this should be message enough to bring the whole world to faith in the Savior.

But beguiled by the glitter, most people have no idea of the loving gift of God which is brought to the world in the coming of Jesus Christ. People hear the carols and exchange gifts, but few have ever heard of the absolutely free gift of salvation which comes by faith in the Lord Jesus.

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“We are at a watershed of history. We are facing a time of new decisions, new ways of looking at things. The winds of change are everywhere.”

Could God be speaking to America in all of this? Certainly the lesson which we are to derive is that our human structures—government, military, financial, municipal—are not as secure as once they were thought. Indeed, the props which hold up our social structure could disappear as quickly as the World Trade Center.

It is possible that we are moving into the last days of history. We must be prepared for unusual opportunities and outreaches in these days. The pursuit of ordinary things must be set aside in our attempt to make a greater-than-ever impact upon society. More millions of people than ever in today’s world are now sensing the uncertainty of the things of time. This sense of uncertainty really spells opportunity for believing Christians. A world that is no longer confident in its existing props may be willing to listen to the message of eternal life which can be yet presented most forcibly by a cleansed and believing Church.

It will therefore be necessary for every church, every Christian organization, to think in terms of pressing forward in a greater battle, a more challenging spiritual context than ever. Hostility may come from the world upon the Church, but even this is but an expression of its own frustration. In the midst of it, we must press upon ourselves the question of being equal to the spacious opportunities, the wide privilege, the great need that is before us.

In the midst of all of these changes, the Word of God becomes more relevant and more foundational. God has often warned of instabilities in the last days, but has also promised special empowerment and spiritual opportunity. Will Christians be equal to the challenge of the next few years?

Thinking of this world, because we believe, what shall we then do? The Apostle Paul answers this question by saying, “We also believe, and therefore speak” (II Cor. 4:13). Because of his faith, Paul became a speaker, a preacher, a promoter, a publisher of the Gospel. In the same way, thoughtful believers of every generation became, in their time, intrepid promoters of the Word of God to the lost generation in the midst of which they lived.

In this, we have a lesson for our time. Today there are many voices lifted to the Christians, telling us what we should do because we believe the Gospel. Some of these calls are worthy, but many are the voices of charlatans who call us merely to frenetic activity or pointless sacrifice on their behalf. Much time and substance is, therefore, wasted by believers on causes and activities which are senseless and bound to ultimately fail. None of us need make that mistake. Because we believe, what are we then to do?

“Because we believe, we cannot help but do our best to tell others of the Gospel of Christ.”

What activity can be most strategic by the Christian who wants to spread the Gospel and serve Christ well? It is exactly this—to speak, to preach, to promote, to publish the Word. It is to give ourselves to that most necessary and most strategic of all activities—the propagation of the Gospel in words that can be understood so that others, too, will believe. By this activity, the Christian is fulfilling the admonition “let the redeemed of the Lord say so!” (Ps. 107:2). Many have asked, “What shall I do for the Savior?” The simplest answer which God has given us is, “You shall be witnesses to Me.” (Acts 1:8). Because we believe, we cannot help but do our best to tell others of the Gospel of Christ.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and, therefore, we witness to others about how He made the world and how He died for our sins.

We believe that Calvary is enough to pay for sin and, therefore, we tell others of the sufficient price, the blood of Jesus, which was there expended.

We believe that Christ lives in our hearts today and, therefore, we tell others that if they will come to know Christ, they will never be lonely again.

We believe that there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun and, therefore, we work to become passionate persuaders of the salvation which Christ, alone, can offer--salvation from hell and for heaven.

We believe that Christ is coming again and, therefore, we invite, we warn others to come to know Him before it is forever too late.

We believe that Jesus Christ will, one day, judge the world and, therefore, we call others to be reconciled to this God so that they can be spared on Judgment Day.

We believe that the Gospel is the faith once delivered to the saints and, therefore, we waste little time propagating human philosophies which, finally, amount to nothing.

We believe that every person alive is a creature of eternal destiny and, therefore, our constant conversation is of Christ who saves for eternity.

We believe that we, ourselves, shall stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and, therefore, we remind ourselves and other Christians that we must not waste precious opportunity doing lesser things than telling the world of Christ.

We believe, as the Bible says, that we are ambassadors for Christ in this world and, therefore, we think, live, dress, conduct ourselves in a manner befitting that heavenly kingdom which we represent.

This combination of things which we believe should surely lead us to mount a program in this present, perhaps terminal, generation, which will bring to all the opportunity to hear and heed the Gospel.

This Christmas, therefore, brings another great opportunity for each believer to be a witness for Christ. Let’s take every opportunity which this season will afford to bring the Gospel to others. At no other time of the year are people more curious as to why Christ came. He came, of course, to give His life as a ransom for many.

We want to report that your contributions to this ministry have sustained us through the summer months and yet the demands have been even greater. Therefore, your very special gift to the ministry of Christian Destiny is needed and will be most appreciated now. Please take the time today to make your investment in this exciting outreach for Christ.

Thank you so very much for your friendship and the happy opportunity of working together with you in the ministry of the Gospel. We labor in a bewildered world where the truth of the Word of God is the only light. Let’s work together to bring that light to the place where it can shine like a beacon of hope in our darkening world.

Thank you so much for your prayers and for your Christian giving. I hope that we may hear from you today.