The Tide of Our Times

The world is full of people who turn a deaf ear to the story of the Lord. They would rather believe in some lesser god … or no God at all.

Take, for example, the amazing popularity of the faith-stealing book, The DaVinci Code. It was #1 on the best selling list for several weeks, and continues to hold a spot in ‘the top ten.’ It stands in stark contrast to the faith-affirming movie, The Passion of the Christ.

Where the Mel Gibson movie portrays the love and sacrifice of a suffering Son of God, this heretical book openly denies His Deity and impugns his personal integrity. Where The Passion of the Christ affirms the Bible as divinely inspired ultimate truth, the DaVinci Code condemns the Bible as the product of a manmade conspiracy to hide the truth!

Just look at some of its heinous assertions!

“China faces a serious shortage of women in the coming decades, threatening family and social stability. […]

Demographic experts warn that the shortage of women in China will pose serious problems for the country if the trend is not halted. […]

Since ultrasound screening of embryos was introduced to China about a decade ago, more females have been aborted.

‘Many parents just abort their baby once they find out they are expecting a girl,’ a retired official from a women’s organization who wished to remain anonymous said in an interview.

‘Rural people still have a strong concept that they need to have a boy, since they can only have one child.’” By Yan Tai, United Press International

“The Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention voted […] to withdraw from the Baptist World Alliance, saying it has become too liberal and advocates ‘aberrant and dangerous theologies.’

The recommendation will be presented in June to delegates at the convention’s annual meeting in Indianapolis.” The Wichita Eagle

“Urban Outfitters, under the pressure of more than onequarter million emails from and, has announced they will no longer carry the ‘Jesus Dress Up’ […] magnet set depicting Jesus on the cross. A variety of clothes for ‘Jesus Dress Up’ include a Satan mask and tights, ballerina, and dogcatcher outfit. Jesus, wearing only briefs, allows users to ‘clothe’ Christ in a variety of secular outfits. Other articles of clothing are a ‘beanie’ cap, a snorkel, bunny slippers, a tuxedo, and a Dr. Seuss hat. […] Said American Family Association chairman Don Wildmon, ‘Marketing a product insulting to the Christian faith is not a wise business choice.’” AFA Press Release

“No county in America has a greater church population today than ten years ago. Every year 3,750 churches close their doors for the last time. During the last ten years, the combined communicant membership of all Protestant denominations has declined 9.5% (4,498,242), while the national population has increased 11.4% (24,153,000).” Dr. Robert Logan, Church Growth Consultant

“Delegates attending the Vatican and United Nations (UN) inspired annual interfaith congress, ‘The Future of God,’ held […] in Fatima, heard how the Shrine is to be developed into a centre where all the religions of the world will gather to pay homage to their various gods.

[…] One of the principle speakers, […] was insistent that the religions of the world must unite. ‘The religion of the future will be a general converging of religions in a universal Christ that will satisfy all,’ he said.

[…] An official statement put out by the Congress called for a non-proselytising approach by all religions. ‘What is needed is that each religion be true to its faith integrally and treat each religion on the same footing of equality with no inferior or superiority complexes.’” The Portugal News