The Tide of Our Times

“Contrary to what you learned at college, America from its inception has been a religious country, and was designed to be one. [...]

Once almost universally acknowledged to be founded by religious men whose values were grounded in the Jewish and Christian Scriptures, the average college graduate is now ignorant of the religious bases of this society, and certain that it was founded to be, and has always been, a secular society. [...]

The evidence is overwhelming that the Founders were religious people who wanted a religious country that enshrined liberty for all its citizens, including those of different religions and those of no faith. [...]Dennis Prager, The Washington Times

“Good News From Iraq! [...] The international media will NOT report on what is going on in Iraq in terms of the spread of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. But, it is very exciting. [...] Without exaggeration, thousands of people are turning from Islam to faith in Jesus Christ in the Kurdish region of Iraq, sometimes referred to as ‘Kurdishtan.’ [...]

Those who have been terrorists are also converting to faith in Jesus Christ in record numbers. The evangelical church in Kirkuk is continuing to grow as crowds come to hear God’s Word! [...]s“ David Hocking, Prophecy Watch

“The Bassij, Israel’s Enemy from Iran—The world now knows the fiery rhetoric of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. What is less known is the group he comes from, called the ‘Bassij’. The Bassij is one of the most committed enemies of Israel and the United States in the world today. [...] It claims as many as three million members in reserve, but tens of thousands serve full time and follow a radical ideology. [...]

[...] While many Iranians detest the Bassij, this group sees itself as a vanguard of Shiite Islam that will help prepare the way of the Islamic Messiah, the Mahdi, and defeat the West. [...]Chris Mitchell, CBN News

“Statistics say that religious Americans give four times as much money to charity each year than secular people and are 23 times more likely to volunteer to help people than folks who never attend church. [...]Bill O'Reilly, The Washington Times

“The EU flag was raised in Bucharest on January 1 as Romania and Bulgaria became the newest nations in the now 27-member bloc. [...]

With the expansion, the EU gains almost 30 million new citizens and sees its borders stretched eastward to the Black Sea. The new countries already are new NATO members, helping to project stability in a volatile region. And their accession 17 years after they shrugged off more than four decades of communist rule is seen by some as the final nail in the coffin of the Cold War. [...]

‘After the accession in 2004 of 10 countries from Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean area, the EU is now completing the reunification of the European continent.’ [...]Gareth Harding, The Washington Times

“The first three verses of Genesis accurately express all known aspects of the creation (Genesis 1:1-3). Science expresses the universe in terms of: time, space, matter, and energy. In Genesis chapter one we read: ‘In the beginning (time) God created the heavens (space) and the earth (matter)... Then God said, ‘let there be light (energy).’” 101 Scientific Facts & Foreknowledge

101 Scientific Facts & Foreknowledge—Eternal Productions—is a 31-page small booklet presenting 101 scientific facts found in the Scriptures. Many of these facts were penned centuries before they were discovered. Scientific fore-knowledge found only in the Bible offers one more piece to the collective proof that the Bible is truly the inspired Word of the Creator.

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