The Tide of Our Times

“The New Sanhedrin—In 2004 on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, a new Sanhedrin arose after an absence of more than 1,400 years. Staffed by Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox rabbis who want Israeli life to conform to the Torah and rabbinical law, the Sanhedrin has been a great indicator that the stage is being set for the last days, as foretold in Bible prophecy.

The new court supports rebuilding the Temple, reinstating the priesthood, and resuming sacrifices and opposes giving biblical Jewish land to the Arabs.” Jimmy DeYoung, Israel My Glory

“Muslims Outnum ber Catholics—Islam has surpassed Roman Catholicism as the world’s largest religion. ‘For the first time in history, we are no longer at the top: Muslims have overtaken us,’ Monsignor Vittorio Fomenti said...He said that Catholics accounted for 17.4 percent of the world population—a stable percentage—while Muslims were at l9.2 percent.” Copyright 2008 The Associated Press

“A shortage of aviation fuel or ‘av gas’ has grounded missionary pilots of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF), a faith-based, nonprofit ministry that serves missions and isolated people around the world with aviation, communications and learning technologies...Some 150 air strips currently are without service...In response to the crisis, MAF is embarking on an aggressive 10-year plan to acquire 20 of the new Kodiak 100 aircraft, manufactured by Quest Aircraft...Not only does the Kodiak use jet fuel, which is more readily available and cheaper, the plane also is larger, flies faster and can still get in and out of small air strips.” The Chronicle

“Approximately 40 percent of the world’s population is nineteen or younger. The number of children and youth alive today exceeds the entire world’s population in 1950...The multiplied millions of young people will drastically influence the shape of world culture as it emerges over the next ten years.” George Gallup, Jr. The Next American Spirituality: Finding God in the 21st Century

“The idea of a Mediteranean Union is not a completely new one it was floated by Mr. Sarkozy the leader during the French presidential campaign in spring of this year.

Under the plans, the group should tie southern Europe with North Africa as well as Israel and its Arab neighbors and tackle topical issues such as counter-terrorism, immigration, energy, trade, water and sustainable development...

There are fears that France’s proposal would try to bypass the 12—year old Barcelona process, designed to foster dialogue between the EU bloc and the ten countries on the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean.”

“Is Allah the God of the Bible?...While many sincere and well-meaning Christians...have argued that the word ‘Allah’ is simply the Arabic word for ‘God,’ the facts are something quite different. Even among Islamic scholars there is general agreement that the term ‘Allah’ refers to a pagan deity before Islam came into existence... The correct Arabic name for

‘God’ is the word ‘Al-ilah.’ It became a generic title for whatever god was considered the highest god...Historians have said that ‘Allah’ was the chief of the 360 gods that were worshipped in Arabia at the time that Mohammed came to prominence...‘Allah’ is not a common name in Arabic for ‘God.’” David Hocking, Prophecy Watch

“In 2005, as a gesture of good will, then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon gave the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians. The terrorist organization Hamas soon took control and began a war of genocide against Israel that continues to this day. The record shows that when Israel evacuated Gaza, American businessmen (mostly Jewish) poured millions of dollars into Gaza to help the Palestinians purchase lucrative agricultural businesses—with a crop output of $75 million annually... Today nearly 70 percent of those greenhouses have been destroyed. The Palestinian Company for Economic Development complained that these facilities would have provided a source of income for some 4,500 Palestinian families.

Ironically, for their willingness to surrender portions of their birthright, Israel gets vilified.” William E. Sutter, The Friends of Israel

But Especially,

To Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, And has made us kings and priests to God and His Father; to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever Amen(Revelation 1:5-6).