The Tide of Our Times

Something for nothing is the name of the game today. In thousands of places, the foolish line up to buy tickets, despite the fact that the chance of winning is millions to one. Thus, our gambling-oriented society steals from the poor and the ignorant, and government itself becomes the casino operator. Professional gambling is a racket, thereby making the sponsor—the government—the racketeer. The insane pursuit of something for nothing—an impossibility—is evidence of the progressive depravity of our society. The Bible says, “This we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat” (II Thess.3:10).

The national news more and more carries the reports of the abuse of children, not only by those known to be perverted, but by religious leaders as well. We should read again the Word of God which says, “Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of demons; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from food, which God has created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth(ITim. 4:1-3).

What a difference a “the” makes. Did you read recently that Prince Charles,who stands in line to become the next King of England, has decided that he wants to change one of his titles as king? The King of England carries the additional title “Defender of the Faith,” which is part of his role as head of the Church of England. The purpose of that title is for the king to preserve “THE” faith (in this case, Christianity as represented by his church) without allowing military coercion, or doctrinal subversion, to overcome that state church. Prince Charles wants to be more embracing—more protective of all faiths—and so he intends to move the word “the” to the front of his title. That would change it to “The Defender of Faith”! As such, he would honor and protect Muslims, Buddhists, Animists, Hindus, etc... And as such, he would be the first king to formally abandon the Church of England in principle as well as in deed. What a difference a “the” makes!

“Gallup poll finds religion lost esteem. Americans’ confidence in religious institutions is at a 30-year low...45 percent, according to an annual Gallup Poll...”

Protestant confidence is 59 percent, “about the same as a year ago,” while “Catholic trust plummeted to 42 percent.” Larry Witham, The Washington Times

“North American Jews are immigrating to Israel in large numbers for the first time in decades, spurred by a growth in anti-Semitism and a belief that they might as well face terrorism in their ancestral homeland as in the United States,” according to a report published by the Washington Times. “More than 400 Jews from the United States and Canada” recently arrived in Israel “to an emotional welcome” from several top Israeli officials and a former Prime Minister. Most of these were young professionals (average age 35) who have left comfortable lives in the U.S. in order to carve out a new life in the Jewish state, and although most would admit to “their strong religious or secular Zionist identity as motivating factors for moving to Israel, many said that the events surrounding September 11 were the trigger.” It seems that there is an increasingly poisonous atmosphere of hostility and outright persecution of Jews developing right here in the United States at present and this development is also factoring in to decisions to emigrate. Said one Jewish emigre after having heard “comments every day like: ‘You Jews brought September 11 on us,’ ... I thought to myself, where is the one place where I would feel welcome as a Jew? The answer: Israel.” Inigo Gilmore, London Sunday Telegraph

It was a privilege to work with Laotian refugees in our area. One of the boys lived in our home for 8 years.

I read again where people in Laos and Vietnam are persecuted for their Christian belief and many forced to sign documents that deny their faith. Let’s remember to pray for these people during tremendously difficult days.

The goal of their government is to wipe out Christianity by December 2002 as reported in a news release from Far East Broadcasting Co. Carol Breese

In the midst of all of this we rejoice that the Gospel goes out across the world in greater volume and impact than ever. Christians must always and most earnestly pray that the message of the Gospel will be attended by the blessing of God and the support of the people of God. We must rejoice anew in the great ministries of those who are truly holding forth the Word of Life. Service for Christ in today’s world is indeed the great adventure.