The Tide of Our Times

“Creation Museum Hosts Atheists—285 students from the Secular Student Alliance, all avowed atheists, toured the [Answers In Genesis] Creation Museum last month. ‘The Creation Museum welcomes anyone to tour our family attraction,’ said Mark Looy, museum Co-Founder and Chief Communications Officer. ‘We especially encourage visits by those who are skeptical about the Christian faith...’” —NRB Today

“The American Society of Travel Agents cited Branson, Missouri, as one of the nation’s top five budget-friendly vacation destinations...

‘Branson’s family-friendly atmosphere, its demonstration of patriotism, its emphasis on the Christian faith make it an attractive destination for families,’ said AFA president Tim Wildmon...

The small city hosts eight million visitors a year, but the Ozark town rolls out the red carpet with 268 restaurants, 207 hotels and lodging facilities, 13 golf courses and 53 theaters.” —,

“Overseas movie goers prefer clean fare—Movieguide has released a three-year study of 25 movies that earned the most money overseas... The study shows that international moviegoers prefer clean movies with strong or very strong Christian, moral and/or redemptive content and values.

This study is Significant because ... Hollywood now makes more money overseas than it does in the U.S.” —

“Family Leader Lea ves Disney—Dick Cook had his fingerprints on everything that was ‘family friendly’ at Walt Disney Studios, until his abrupt and unexpected departure from Disney earlier this month. All reports indicate that Hollywood, which is surprised by very little, was in shock as sources indicated that Cook was shown the door after being with Disney for 38 years. This change may signal a shift in direction for Disney, which is disquieting for those who laud family entertainment.” —NRB Today

“A horse trainer by trade, 50-year-old [Kimberly Jo] Simac has become the poster child for traditional values in her local town of Eagle River, Wisconsin...

[Recently,] she distributed flyers in her community, took out classified ads and ran around town in an Uncle Sam outfit passing out the flyers that said: ‘Are God and country important to you? If your answer is yes, plan on joining us for three movies that will reinforce your beliefs in Christianity and this wonderful country we call America.’...

By the end of the showings, a grassroots activist group of over 100 people was formed. They named themselves the Northwoods Patriots, and they are dedicating their time and resources to protecting Judeo-Christian principles and putting God back into the public square.” —Rebecca Grace AFA Journal

“History’s graveyard contains the remains of founders of the world’s religions—except one. The tomb of Jesus is empty! The resurrection of Christ validated every claim He made. He is trustworthy ‘yesterday, today, and forever.’ Jesus invites us to trust Him as Savior and Lord TODAY.”—Copyright 2009 R.K. Jensen (long-time friend of Dave Breese)