The Tide of Our Times

The challenge of living successfully and righteously can be accomplished as your life is committed to Christ and led of the Holy Spirit.


Congratulations Jack!
Breese Grandson Jack Klaassen
John Ryan (Jack) Klaassen
Trinity Christian Academy
Wichita, Kansas

Party Identification by Religion (2011)

There is still time to register to vote. I pray that all qualified Christians will take part in this election, raising our voices and casting our votes in favor of righteousness whenever possible. Working together, we will do our best to stem the tide of evil. The Bible assures us that in the end, good, and God, will triumph. But along the way we will encounter terrible opposition from the enemy. Even in this blessed Church Age, when God has given us an open door of opportunity, we will face trails and challenges of mounting intensity as we move closer to the Rapture of the Church.

No feeling is more wonderful within the human heart than the sense that we have served Christ well. Happiness comes from responsibilities met, from duties fulfilled. DB