Christian Destiny Christian Destiny
Discover Your Destiny

From Discover Your Destiny
by Dave Breese

  1. The Image of God — Creation and Man
  2. The Shattering Blow — The Fall and Sin
  3. The Divine Initiative — Reconciliation
  4. The Majestic Person — Jesus Christ
  5. The Unspeakable Gift — Himself
  6. The Proof — The Resurrection
  7. The Surprising Result — Hope Beyond the Grave
  8. The Personal Involvement — Your Moment of Decision

  9. Living Life Like a King
    • Know
    • Reckon
    • Yield
  10. Lingering Problems
    • The World
      • We are in training for heaven!
      • We are representatives of Christ.
    • The Flesh
      • Discipline
      • Purpose
    • The Devil
      1. Remember that he is a defeated foe.
      2. Never give place to the devil.
      3. Resist the devil
  11. The Price of Personal Development
    1. Be sure of your personal salvation.
    2. Be sure your life is consecrated to Christ.
    3. Master the word of God.
    4. Learn to pray.
    5. Obey the Holy Spirit.
    6. Expand your faith.
    7. Exercise sanctified common sense.
    8. Develop your unique gift.
    9. Cultivate creativity.
    10. Learn the proper use of time.
    11. Become articulate.
    12. Be steadfast for Christ.
  12. Destiny
    • Why we can believe
      1. God will ultimately triumph in His universe.
      2. Because God is God, only truth and righteousness will ultimately prosper.
      3. We are given the privilege of sharing in the triumph of God and of goodness.
    • Be a destiny discoverer!
      1. I was made in the image of God.
      2. I have inherited a world infected by sin and death.
      3. I am the object of divine initiative.
      4. God became a man for me.
      5. Christ died for my sins.
      6. Jesus Christ rose again for me.
      7. I am heir to the surprising results of Calvary.
      8. I do personally desire to become involved with God.
      9. I will reign in life with the help of Jesus Christ.
      10. I will overcome every obstacle to doing the will of God.
      11. I will pay the price of personal development.
      12. I will be a person of destiny.

Discover Your Destiny