40 Years of Christian Destiny

Over the years, many people have asked, “What is Christian Destiny?” It is, in fact, the great truth that God has a purpose in history that reaches from time into eternity. It is the bright promise that He invites us to be part of His great purpose. It is the amazing revelation that we are destined to someday share in the unimaginable adventure of ruling the universe with Christ.

The unsaved world does not share in that destiny, but rather faces the horrible fate of eternal separation from God. There is, however, Good News for the world. No one has to accept the fate of a godless eternity, if he accepts, instead, the atoning sacrifice of Christ’s death on the cross.

One by one and silently, every individual is invited to share the marvelous destiny that God has planned for the Church. But first, he must hear the news that Jesus saves and is coming back again.

Forty years ago, in 1963, Dave and Carol Breese, along with a board of directors from the Chicago area, founded “Christian Destiny” as a non-profit evangelistic outreach. Their goal was to help take the message of salvation to the world of our time. Over the last 40 years, “Christian Destiny” has grown to become a truly worldwide outreach, spreading the Good News of the Gospel via television, radio, speaking engagements and the printed page.

Dave went to be with the Lord in May of 2002, but the message of “Christian Destiny” still reaches out to the world. Carol continues, with the help of a wonderful group of workers and supporters, promoting the timeless message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Powerful new voices have joined the cause, touching countless souls with the truth of the Gospel.

Every believer is invited by prayer, financial contribution, and participation to be a part of this exciting and growing ministry. There is much yet to be done in these critical and opportune hours of history. Together we reach out with the Word of Christ, that the world through Him might be saved.